by Gregory King and Suzanne Zorn
Best-practice guidelines for naming networks in Oracle VM Server for x86, which can reduce errors as well as simplify maintenance and troubleshooting.
Troubleshooting Oracle VM Server network configurations can be unnecessarily complicated by a poor choice of network names. In practice, cryptic or vague network names—such as "OVM GUEST Network 4" or "VM/VLAN"—make it difficult to understand how a network is configured or intended for use. This problem is exacerbated in large Oracle VM configurations that have many server pools, servers, and VLAN segments.
Choosing a consistent naming scheme with meaningful, descriptive network names can reduce the probability of errors by both new and seasoned administrators engaged in the management and troubleshooting of the Oracle VM environment. A well-designed naming scheme also reduces the time new systems administrators need to become proficient in day-to-day management of the Oracle VM environment.
This paper provides example naming schemes that can be used for configurations typical of large enterprise data centers