domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2015

Java Code Geeks

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Your Weekly JCG Top Picks

Week's Top Picks from JCG

Going into the Weekend, chill out with our Top Picks:

How to use Java 8 Functional Programming to Generate an Alphabetic Sequence (by Java Code Geeks)
I’ve stumbled upon an interesting Stack Overflow question by user “mip”. The question was: :I’m looking for a way of generating an alphabetic sequence: A, B, C, ..., Z, AA, AB, AC, ..., ZZ." This can be quickly recognised as the headings of an Excel spreadsheet, which does precisely that...

Spring Data Rest Example (by JCG Examples)
In the previous few examples we demonstrated how the different spring data modules are configured and their support for the NoSql databases. In this example, I will demonstrate how we can expose our CRUD Repository as a REST Web-Service over the HTTP. We will be using MySQL as the database for this project.
jQuery UI Autocomplete Example (by Web Code Geeks)
In this example, we’re going through a very useful widget of jQuery, autocomplete(). Autocomplete enables users to quickly find and select from a pre-populated list of values as they type, leveraging searching and filtering. Any field that can receive input can be converted into an Autocomplete, namely, elements,

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