Enterprise Computing... "for Dummies" ?
By Larry Wake on Mar 25, 2014
"Dummies shouldn't be using Solaris"
That's a comment we got when we posted about this e-book recently on Facebook, and yes, I was expecting that. Much the same thought popped into my head when I was asked to help out on the project. But that's not quite the right response.The folks at Wiley, not too surprisingly, have heard this sort of thing before. I thought the best explanation was from the person who pointed out that "everyone's a dummy... at something." For example, I know a bit about eating huevos rancheros, but I'm always glad to learn more about cooking them... .
So, is enterprise computing--or Oracle Solaris--your huevos rancheros? If you're reading this blog, perhaps not. But you might know somebody whose day-to-day existence isn't wrapped around the ins and outs of provisioning, virtualization, consolidation and compliance. If you can imagine that. They may even think that "an OS is an OS," as you give a quiet sigh in response.
But they're not dummies. They just don't know. And now: you can help them!
Enterprise Computing with Oracle Solaris For Dummies is an e-book almost as pithy as its title isn't. It's a whirlwind tour through what to look for and how to choose an enterprise-grade deployment platform (hint: Oracle Solaris would be an excellent choice). And it's free, so that's pretty cool, too.
Read it online, pass the link along, or print it out and put it on someone's chair. Heck, leave it in airport terminals and earn extra karma. Just don't be overly judgmental. And let me know if you enjoy the huevos rancheros.
Get your copy at: http://www.oracle.com/goto/solarisdummies