lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016

Oracle Blog's Cloud Adapter SDK – Part 2: Functionality by Jeroen Ninck



So this is part 2 of a series of blog post describing building a Cloud Adapter for MongoDB. In this part I want to discuss the functionality I want to achieve.
I will use Windows 10 and PowerShell (my favourite Windows shell!) for these blogs. All sources can be found on GitHub.
Just a small warning: Always keep track of Oracle license information and the Oracle certification matrix!

What should it do?

MongoDB has a lot of features we might want to expose in the Cloud Adapter. However I want to start relative simple and I might expend the functionality in the feature. So I want to start with inserting data. A second step will be to find the data by querying it.


MongoDB is a NoSQL database and stores documents. These documents are basically JSON documents (actually BSON):
                    "_id" : ObjectId("56fa75781f1378215c215709"),
                    "field1" : "value1"

Basically there are no foreign keys. Of course you refer to other documents, however these is no foreign key like in a relational database. Each document does have a primary key called _id (which is of type ObjectId). A document is stored in a collection and a MongoDB database can have multiple collections. A single instance of MongoDB can host multiple databases. Read the complete article here.

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