miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016

New Retirements and Reinstatements Data Model White Paper for Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets has released a new data model white paper for retirements and reinstatements.  This Release 12 white paper can be found in the document:  Fixed Assets (FA) - Retirements/Reinstatements Data Model White Paper (R12) (Doc ID 2161926.1).

The white paper covers both functional and technical information, with table level details.  It describes the transaction flow associated with different types of retirements and reinstatements, the flow of data between tables, the different calculations involved in deriving the correct values associated with retirements and reinstatements, as well as accounting concepts.

In this paper, you will find information on:
  1. Types of retirements
  2. Types of reinstatements
  3. Flow of data between tables
  4. Calculation of reserve, NBV (Net Book Value) retired and depreciation
  5. E-R diagram and table details to understand the flow of data between tables
  6. Basic understanding of Create Accounting and flow of data into XLA tables
For a closer look at the retirements and reinstatements functionality in Fixed Assets, review this new data model white paper!

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