miércoles, 29 de julio de 2015

Announcing StorageTek LTO-6 Half Height IBM Tape Drives and 2.50 Firmware for the SL150 Tape Library

By lmmoore-Oracle on Jul 16, 2015

We are pleased to announce the availability of StorageTek LTO 6 Half Height IBM Drives for the StorageTek SL150 Modular Tape Library and the release of 2.50 firmware for the SL150.
StorageTek SL150 LTO 6 Half-Height Tape Drives from IBM: Since the StorageTek SL150’s initial launch in 2012, we have seen strong sales momentum throughout all geographic regions and multiple industry verticals, from media and entertainment to video surveillance, and several others. To satisfy the ever-increasing demand for the StorageTek SL150 and customers’ desire to select drive suppliers, we continue to invest in technical enhancements for the library. To that end, we have introduced StorageTek LTO 6 half-height IBM FC and SAS tape drives (non-encryption) in the StorageTek SL150. With the release of 2.50 firmware, the StorageTek SL150 now supports half-height LTO 6 drives from both IBM and HP, in addition to the StorageTek LTO 5 half-height HP FC and SAS drives. Customers now have the option to choose their LTO 6 drive supplier (IBM or HP). And the StorageTek SL150 supports a heterogeneous drive environment, which means customers easily can add StorageTek LTO 6 half-height IBM drives into their existing libraries if they choose. Furthermore, we have tested and qualified the IBM drives with our existing ISV partners to minimize any customer integration activity.
StorageTek SL150 2.50 Firmware: In addition to supporting StorageTek LTO 6 half-height IBM drives, the 2.50 firmware provides a few updates to the StorageTek SL150 modular tape library, including:
· Auto cleaning support
o Option to configure library to automatically service drive cleaning
o No host application or operator action is required
· Customer e-mail alerts
o Configurable SMTP option to alert customers via email of a change in library health status and/or state
· Automatic service log retrieval
· Enhanced StorageTek Tape Analytics reporting
· Additional security and health reporting enhancements
To learn more about this release and access our latest materials, please visit the Hardware Technical Resource Center.

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