martes, 13 de marzo de 2012

ODTUG Webinar on Oracle Forms - can it go mobile?

By Grant Ronald on Mar 12, 2012

The Oracle Development Tools User Group (ODTUG) will be running a webinar on the topic:
"HELP: What do I do with my Oracle Forms Applications Today? Modernize, Migrate or Go Mobile !"
This webinar has been organized as a result of the hugely successful seminar run by the UKOUG on Forms modernization. The goal is to give ALL Forms customers the key essential information they need to make an informed decision on what they should be doing with their Oracle Forms investment. I will be presenting the "Oracle Forms State of the Nation", and Oracle Forms expert Mia Urman of OraPlayer will be presenting her vision of Forms modernization including a demo of running Forms logic from a mobile device.
The seminar is on the 29th March 2012, you can register to join the conference here. This is great opporunity to get the facts, and the vision of Oracle Forms.

Todos los Sábados a las 8:00PM

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Optimismo para una vida Mejor
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