martes, 7 de febrero de 2012

Nuevo Oracle SQL Developer 3.1 (

To install Oracle SQL Developer 3.1 download the file, there is no in-place upgrade available, you must unzip the file into an empty folder. Select the "Use folder names" checkbox when unzipping the file. You can migrate your settings from Oracle SQL Developer 1.5.x or SQL Developer 2.1.x.. See the Release Notes 3.1 for more details.

JDK Support
Oracle SQL Developer 3.0 is shipped with JDK1.6.0_11. However, you can connect to and use any JDK 1.6.0_11 or above. To use an existing JDK, download the zip files listed below "with JDK already installed."
Use Check for Updates to install:
  • Third-party database drivers for Sybase, SQL Server and MySQL. For more information on setting up the third-party drivers, see Migrations: Getting Started
  • Version control systems, Concurrent Versions System (CVS), Serena Dimensions or Perforce.
Check for Updates also supports an increasing number of Third-Party extensions. These are available with separate licensing agreements and are developed, tested and maintained by third-party vendors.
DownloadOracle SQL Developer for 32-bit Windows (This zip file includes the JDK1.6.0_11)
(181 M)
To install and run:
- Download the file above
- Extract into any folder, using folder names
- Within that folder, open the sqldeveloper folder
- Double-click sqldeveloper.exe DownloadOracle SQL Developer for 32-bit Windows (This zip does not include a JDK)
(147 M)

To install and run:
- Ensure you have a JDK installed, if not, download here
(click the Download for JDK 6 Update , where is the latest update)
- Download the file above
- Extract into any folder, using folder names
- Within that folder, open the sqldeveloper folder
- Double-click sqldeveloper.exe
DownloadOracle SQL Developer for 64-bit Windows (This zip does not include a JDK)
(147 M)

To install and run:
- Ensure you have a JDK installed, if not, download here (or get details from your hardware vendor)
- Download the file above
- Extract into any folder, using folder names
- Within that folder, open the sqldeveloper folder
- Double-click sqldeveloper.exe DownloadOracle SQL Developer for Mac OS X platforms (This zip does not include a JDK)
(147 M)
To install and run:
- Ensure you have a JDK installed, if not, download here (See Note)
(For 64-bit Intel Macs, download Java for Mac OS X 10.5, Update 1,
For the latest version of MacOS, use the Software Update feature)
- Download the file above
- Double-click the sqldeveloper icon DownloadOracle SQL Developer RPM for Linux (This zip does not include a JDK)
(147 M)
To install and run:
- Ensure you have a JDK installed, if not, download here (See Note)
(click the Download for JDK 6 Update , where is the latest update)
- Download the file above
- rpm -Uhv sqldeveloper-
- cd sqldeveloper - sqldeveloper
DownloadOracle SQL Developer for other platforms (This zip does not include a JDK)
(147 M)
To install and run:
- Ensure you have a JDK installed, if not, download here (or get details from your hardware vendor) (See Note)
(click 'Download JDK 6.0 Update ', where is the latest update)
- Download the file above
- Unzip
- cd sqldeveloper
- sh sqldeveloper

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