viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016

Training Thursdays: Linux Containers in Oracle Linux Training

Linux Containers allow you to run multiple user-space versions of Linux on the same host without the need of a hypervisor. You can isolate environments and control how resources are allocated without the virtualization overhead. Containers can be useful for running different copies of application configurations on the same server, running multiple versions of Oracle Linux on the same server, creating sandbox environments for testing and development, and for controlling the resources allocated to user environments. You can also use Btrfs subvolumes as a way to quickly create containers. 

Learn about Linux Containers and many other topics by taking the Oracle Linux Advanced Administration training. You can take the Oracle Linux 7: Advanced Administration training as a:

  • Live Virtual Event: Attend a live event from your own desk, no travel required. Choose from a selection of events on the schedule to suit different time-zones including 18 and 19 December 2016, and 16 January, and 6 and 13 February 2017 in English. And on 5 December 2016 in Brazilian Portuguese.
  • In-Class Event: Travel to an education center to take a class. Below is a selection of the in-class events already on the schedule.
 Delivery Language
Brisbane, Australia
20 March 2017
Brussels, Belgium
24 October 2016
Brasilia, Brazil
14 November 2016
Brazilian Portuguese
Sao Paulo, Brazil
21 November 2016
Brazilian Portuguese
London, England
24 April 2017
Reading, England
24 April 2017
Paris, France
20 February 2017
Hamburg, Germany
19 December 2016
Munich, Germany
6 March 2017
Jakarta, Indonesia
31 October 2016
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
19 December 2016
Auckland, New Zealand
14 November 2016
Johannesburg, South Africa
6 March 2017
Bangkok, Thailand
17 October 2016
Roseville, MN, United States
20 February 2017
Reston, VA, United States
20 January 2017
Durham, NC, United States
6 February 2017
Columbus, OH, United States
20 February 2017
Houston, TX, United States
27 February 2017
Belmont, CA, United States
8 May 2017

Those using earlier versions of Oracle Linux can learn about Containers and much more by taking the Oracle Linux 5 & 6 Advanced Administration course. You can take this course in the following formats:
  • Training-on-Demand: Start training within 24 hours of registration, following lecture material at your own pace through streaming video and booking a time that suits your schedule to work through hands-on exercises.
  • Live Virtual Event: Attend a live event from your own desk, no travel required. Choose from a selection of events on the schedule to suit different time-zones including 3 October, 7 November and 5 December 2016 in English
  • In-Class Event: Travel to an education center to take a class. Below is a selection of the in-class events already on the schedule:
 Delivery Language
Bir Mourad Rais, Algeria

25 December 2016
Sao Paulo, Brazil
 17 October 2016
Brazilian Portuguese
Munich, Germany
13 February 2017
Turin, Italy
12 December 2016
Seoul, Korea
26 December 2016
Johannesburg, South Africa
3 October 2016
Pretoria, South Africa
26 June 2017
Istanbul, Turkey
21 November 2016
Belmont, CA, United States
24 October 2016
Reston, VA, United States
12 December 2016
Cambridge, MA, United States
20 March 2017
Irving, TX, United States
22 May 2017

Taking the Oracle Linux 5 & 6 Advanced Administration course is one step in your preparation to sit the Oracle Linux 6 Advanced System Administrator OCP certificate exam.

To register for an event or learn more about the Oracle Linux curriculum, go to

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

Rusia reemplazará el software de Microsoft por software propio


El presidente Vladimir Putin ya no quiere que su país dependa de tecnologías extranjeras, debido a la extensión política que perdura con Estados Unidos y Europa.

A raíz de la tensión con Estados Unidos y el continente europeo que perdura desde el 2014 tras la anexión de Crimea a Rusia, el país del presidente Vladimir Putin busca reducir la dependencia al software extranjero, como los programas de ofimática que ofrece Microsoft, reemplazándolo por software local.

El ayuntamiento de Moscú comenzará la transición al software propio con 6.000 computadoras, cifra que se extenderá hasta 600 mil equipos. El software que será reemplazado es Exchange Server y el cliente de correo Outlook, ambos de Microsoft, por un sistema de correo desarrollado por la compañía rusa New Cloud Technologies e instalado por la portadora estatal Rostelecom PJSC, según información de Bloomberg Technology.

Parte de esta decisión tardía del presidente Putin se debe a las medidas que Estados Unidos implementó en Crimea, además de las dudas que persisten con respecto a la confianza del software desarrollado por empresas norteamericanas. El mercado ruso supone USD$3.000 millones de dólares que no sólo se le escapará a Microsoft, sino también a compañías como Oracle y SAP SE.

De hecho, la empresa de medios estatales Rossiya Segodnya y el gobierno regional de Moscú ya reemplazaron a Oracle como sistema gestor de base de datos por la alternativa de código abierto PostgreSQL. Por si fuera poco para Moscú, también reemplazó el sistema de vigilancia desarrollado por Cisco Systems por uno propio, informó Artem Yermolaev, quien dirige la tecnología de información en la capital rusa.

Actualmente, las entidades gubernamentales rusas invierten alrededor de USD$295 millones de dólares al año en software extranjero, según comenta Nikolay Nikiforov, ministro de comunicaciones. Por fortuna, ya cuentan con una lista de 2.000programas que servirán como reemplazo para las empresas de carácter estatal.

Además, el gobierno de Rusia no sólo querría dejar de usar tecnología extranjera, sino también dificultar su competencia en el país al incrementar los impuestos. Las empresas estadounidenses serían las más afectadas con este incremento que beneficiaría a las empresas tecnológica locales, como Yandex y, pues el dinero de los impuestos sería invertido en software local.

A partir de 2017, las instituciones gubernamentales serán presionadas por el Servicio Federal Antimonopolio, la Oficina del Fiscal General y la Cámara de Auditoría para dejar de usar software extranjero, una medida que difícilmente sería desechada, aún si la tensión política terminara, debido al costo de la transición.

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016

Oracle Certified Master, Java SE 6 Developer Retiring

Oracle Certified Master, Java SE 6 Developer candidates, this certification path retires soon. Complete your certification now and receive a free Java Certified t-shirt!

The Oracle Certified Master, Java SE 6 Developer certification retires on November 30, 2016. You can purchase and download the Java SE 6 Developer Certified Master Assignment 1Z0-855 through this date. You have 6 months to complete and return the assignment and complete the Java SE 6 Developer Certified Master Essay 1Z0-856. Assignments and essays will be accepted through May 30, 2017. All grades should be provided by June 30, 2017. If you fail to pass the assignment on the first try, you will have thirty days to resubmit the assignment by completing and submitting Java SE 6 Developer Certified Master Assignment for Resubmission 1Z0-857 by July 30, 2017.

This certification path requires training to complete the path and earn certification. Candidates who have passed all exams and have not yet submitted the course form will have until December 30, 2017 to complete relevant training and submit the course form. After that date, this certification will no longer be granted.

Please see the table below to see what pieces are retiring and when.

Retirement Deadline
What happens on this date?
November 30, 2016
May 30, 2017
Last day to submit completed assignment and complete 1Z0-856 | Java SE 6 Developer Certified Master Essay
June 30, 2017
Deadline to receive your score
July 30, 2017
Last day to resubmit 1Z0-857 | Java SE 6 Developer Certified Master Assignment for Resubmission should you fail your first attempt
December 30, 2017
Last day to complete the course submission form to earn your certification


I have submitted and passed my assignment and essay but have not completed the course submission form. What do I do?

If you have completed all exam requirements but have not yet completed your course submission form, you have until December 30, 2017 to complete relevant training and submit the course form.

I completed the assignment a few years ago. Can I submit the essay now and earn the certification?

Assignments and essays must be completed and submitted within 6 months of assignment purchase date. If you did not upload your completed assignment and complete the essay within 6 months of assignment purchase, you will need to restart the process by purchasing a new assignment. We will not accept an assignment purchased over 6 months ago.

I failed the assignment previously and wish to resubmit. Can I resubmit and try again?

Failed assignments must be resubmitted within 30 days of receiving a failing grade via email. If you received your failing grade more than 30 days ago, you may not resubmit your assignment. You will need to complete a new assignment and essay.

If I have to submit the assignment before I register for the essay, how will I complete both before the deadline?

You may purchase the assignment through November 30, 2016. You will have until May 30, 2016 to submit the assignment and complete the essay.

What if I fail?

If you fail, you will have 30 days from the fail notification date via email to resubmit the assignment using 1Z0-857 | Java SE 6 Developer Certified Master Assignment for Resubmission.

DSTv27 Timezone Patches Available for E-Business Suite 12.1

Hourglass icon
If your E-Business Suite Release environment is configured to support Daylight Saving Time (DST) or international time zones, it's important to keep your timezone definition files up-to-date. They were last changed in November 2015 and released as DSTv25.

DSTv27 is now available and certified with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1. The DSTv27 update includes the timezone information from the IANA tzdata 2016f.  It is cumulative: it includes all previous Oracle DST updates.

Is Your Apps Environment Affected?
When a country or region changes DST rules or their time zone definitions, your Oracle E-Business Suite environment will require patching if:
  • Your Oracle E-Business Suite environment is located in the affected country or region OR
  • Your Oracle E-Business Suite environment is located outside the affected country or region but you conduct business or have customers or suppliers in the affected country or region
The latest DSTv27 timezone definition file is cumulative and includes all DST changes released in earlier time zone definition files. DSTv27 includes changes to the following timezones since the DSTv24 release:
  • Asia/Novosibirsk
  • America/Cayman
  • Asia/Chita
  • Asia/Tehran,
  • Haiti,
  • Palestine,
  • Azerbaijan,
  • Chile
  • America/Caracas
  • Asia/Magadan
What Patches Are Required?

In case you haven't been following our previous time zone or Daylight Saving Time (DST)-related articles, international timezone definitions for E-Business Suite environments are captured in a series of patches for the database and application tier servers in your environment. The actual scope and number of patches that need to be applied depend on whether you've applied previous DST or timezone-related patches. Some sysadmins have remarked to me that it generally takes more time to read the various timezone documents than it takes to apply these patches, but your mileage may vary.

Proactive backports of DST upgrade patches to all Oracle E-Business Suite tiers and platforms are not created and supplied by default. If you need this DST release and an appropriate patch is not currently available, raise a service request through support providing a business case with your version requirements.
The following Note identifies the various components in your E-Business Suite environment that may need DST patches:
Pending Certification 
Our certification of this DST timezone patch with Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 is currently underway.

Oracle's Revenue Recognition rules prohibit us from discussing certification and release dates, but you're welcome to monitor or subscribe to this blog. I'll post updates here as soon as soon as they're available.    

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016

Seguridad y Computación Cognitiva

Los sistemas cognitivos en seguridad, te permiten hacer la ingesta de una enorme riqueza de información generada por el ser humano diariamente. Existen cerca de 2000 blogs de seguridad que generan más de 500 historias diarias. Se publican más de 30 artículos académicos y más de 25 informes de vulnerabilidad diarios.

Son más de 2 millones de palabras diarias; cuando un ser humano promedio, puede leer y comprender cerca de 150 palabras por minuto. Se nos hace imposible alcanzar el conocimiento de dicha información y estamos desperdiciando una gran cantidad de experiencias.

La computación del conocimiento o computación cognitiva, es un modelo de entendimiento, razonamiento y aprendizaje profundo, que permite tener un análisis más abierto de esta información.

Aquí tenemos tema para estudio y disertación.

Microsoft Edge Certified with EBS 12.1 and 12.2

Microsoft Edge Logo
By Steven Chan - EBS-Oracle

I am very pleased to announce that Microsoft Edge is certified as a new browser for Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1 and 12.2.  Edge can be used to access EBS Self-Service Web Applications (SSWA) -- i.e. the web-based HTML products in Oracle E-Business Suite that use OA Framework (OAF).

EBS Prerequisites for Edge
No Windows or desktop patches are needed for enabling Edge compatibility with E-Business Suite 12.1 or 12.2.
A small number of E-Business Suite server-side patches are required.  See:
Can EBS Forms run in Edge?
No. Microsoft Edge does not support plug-ins.  For details, see:
The Java JRE is a mandatory prerequisite for Forms-based products in E-Business Suite. Since Edge does not support plug-ins, the Java JRE plug-in does not work with this browser. 
E-Business Suite products that use Oracle Forms can run on Internet Explorer 11 and Firefox ESR on Windows desktops, and Safari on Mac desktop clients.
What about Java Web Start?
We are testing prototypes with EBS Forms-based products using Java Web Start.  Once this work is completed, it is likely that it will be possible to run Forms-based products even when using browsers such as Edge.  See:
This work is going well, and we are currently working on security and polishing user interface issues. I'll post updates on this blog as soon as they're available.
Does Edge work with EBS 11i or 12.0?
No. You can download existing patches for EBS 11i and 12.0, but these EBS releases are now in Sustaining Support. We do not produce new certifications for products in Sustaining Support. 
Tour end-users should continue to use IE 11, Firefox ESR, or Safari if you are running EBS 11i or 12.0.
Related Articles

viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2016


Evento que se celebrará a la hora y en la fecha y ubicación siguientes:
Lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016 a las 08:30
- hasta -
hasta Martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016 a las 17:30 (ART)
Universidad de La Punta
Ciudad de La Punta, 5710

Ver mapa
Participar en el evento
Difundir este evento:
Con el apoyo de los Grupos de Usuarios de Argentina y de la región presentamos la primera edición del evento independiente Oracle Developer Tour Latinoamérica en el cual expertos en el uso de herramientas de desarrollo de aplicaciones con tecnología de Oracle Corporation expondrán las últimas técnicas y tendencias en un marco orientado a empresarios, profesionales, docentes y estudiantes. Un evento imperdible sobre tecnologías de la información.
En Argentina, el evento será en el corazón del centro tecnológico de la Provincia de San Luis, la Universidad de La Punta (ULP), ubicada a 20 kilómetros de la ciudad de San Luis, los días lunes 7 y martes 8 de Noviembre de 2016.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Cual es la agenda del evento?
Actualmente el evento se encuentra en convocatoria a oradores, los temas principales son ADF, JAVA, APEX y PL/SQL pero también se incluirán charlas sobre otras tecnologías menos conocidas. Son charlas y laboratorios orientados a desarrollo de aplicaciones.
La agenda definitiva será publicada 15 dias antes del evento.

¿Qué opciones de transporte y alojamiento tengo para el evento?
Puede obtener más información sobre hospedaje, traslados y la ubicación del evento en

¿Debo llevar mi entrada impresa al evento?
Te recomendamos tener a mano las entradas, ya sea con la aplicación de Eventbrite o impresas para agilizar tu acreditación en el evento.

Difundir este evento en Facebook y Twitter

¡Te esperamos!


What is SOA 12c ? by Tutorial Diary

By Juergenkress-Oracle on Sep 23, 2016

Oracle SOA Suite 12c is new version of SOA Suite tool from Oracle. Oracle has introduced lot of new features in this new version. This new version is based upon 4 themes as show below. First two themes (Developer productivity and Industrial SOA) comes as outcome of user/developers feedback and other two themes (Mobile and Cloud) introduced as per industry trend.

SOA 12c Themes

Developer Productivity

This theme is outcome of the community that currently using SOA Suite 11g. Oracle has introduced couple of improvements in this version based upon the feedback from that community. As the name suggest, this theme helps developer to improve their productivity and that comes from the new features introduced.

Industrial SOA

This theme is also a outcome of the community that currently using SOA Suite 11g. Oracle has introduced couple of improvements in this version based upon the feedback from that community.

Mobile & Cloud

These themes has been introduced by seeing current industry trend. Currently everyone talking about mobile & cloud enablement that comes under these themes.

Major Enhancements in SOA 12c

Below are the major enhancements done in this new version (SOA 12c).

• Earlier Service Bus is separate tool from SOA Suite tool and we use to have Eclipse as IDE for service bus development. In this 12c version, Service Bus become part of SOA 12c only i.e. we can do Service Bus development using JDeveloper only, there is no need to use Eclipse anymore. 
• As Service Bus become part of SOA 12c so all the adapters becomes accessible to Service Bus also. 
• ESS (Enterprise Service Scheduler) is new component introduced in this version that provide scheduling capabilities. 
• 1 Single Installer has been introduced that can used to install all the components like Database, Weblogic, SOA Suite, Service Bus etc. 
• MFT (Managed File Transfer) has been introduced that does not come by default with SOA 12c but this can be downloaded as separate package that helps to do file transfer.

• Free License for developer on single machine. Read the complete article here.

jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016

Prepare Now For Your SQL OCA Certification - NEW

Earn a core OCA credential on your path to Database Administrator or PL/SQL Developer certifications, by passing exam 1Z0-071 Oracle Database SQL.

Released earlier this year, this certification fills a gap in the offerings that fulfill the SQL prerequisite in core Database Administrator and PL/SQL Developer paths. Until now, these offerings included two non-proctored SQL fundamentals exams (1Z0-051 and 1Z0-061) that do not result in certification by themselves and a more in depth SQL Expert exam (1Z0-047) that covers topic areas that may not show up very often in the day to day activities of a SQL Developer. SQL knowledge is essential to the Database Administrator role as well as that of the PL/SQL Developer. The new Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate credential gives a broader, more comprehensive view of SQL without dipping into more difficult, seldom-used features.

Passing this exam is a win/win if you are pursuing a path that includes a SQL requirement. You earn two valuable certifications.

Even if your plans don't currently include an additional layer of certification, this credential proves fluency in and a solid understanding of SQL language, data modeling and using SQL to create and manipulate tables in an Oracle Database.

Oracle PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate

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