lunes, 3 de abril de 2023

AskTOM Office Hours Digest for Week of April 03

Oracle AskTOM Office Hours offers free, live Q&A sessions with Oracle experts. Here are the Office Hours coming up this week for which you are registered. You'll also find below any new Office Hours sessions we've recently added to the program. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 04

16:00 UTC: Solution Deployment: Estimating home property values using Autonomous Database, Oracle Machine Learning, and Oracle APEX

How do you deploy a machine-learning solution in an application? In this session, learn how to use Oracle Autonomous Database with Oracle Machine Learning (OML) and Oracle APEX services for fast and easy development of machine learning (ML) models in Autonomous Database. See how to use Oracle APEX to visualize and operationalize ML model predictions. This solution deployment demonstration, based on Brooklyn property value data, details how to use OML with AutoML to train an ML model on 15 years of historical property transactions, and then use those models within Oracle APEX to estimate the market value of homes across Brooklyn, NY. The ML pipeline developed for this demo can be easily adapted for a wide variety of ML use cases that Oracle customers face today, such as forecasting needs, demand, expenses, etc, as well as what-if scenario modeling.

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