viernes, 28 de enero de 2022

Great Lakes Oracle Conference- Call for Abstracts & Workshops



Call for Abstracts


Submission Deadline: Feb. 4

We invite you to share your knowledge by presenting at our 2022 conference in Cleveland. Abstract submissions may target novice, intermediate, advanced, or all attendees and are scheduled for 60 minutes. If accepted, you will receive one complimentary admission.

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Pre-Conference Workshops

Tuesday, May 10

Joel Kallman APEX Day Workshop

Multiple Instructors

A day of APEX training from some of the best APEX developers on the planet. With this workshop, renamed this year to honor GLOC friend and APEX evangelist Joel Kallman, you will hear presentations from some of the industry’s best developers as well as from Oracle’s own APEX product development team. If you’re not familiar with APEX, then you’re missing out. APEX is the Oracle database’s best feature — a declarative web application development environment that is feature-rich and only requires familiarity with SQL and PL/SQL. Have you had enough online training or just want to up your development game? Then spend a day in Cleveland and get your questions answered. 

PostgreSQL Performance Tuning

Bruce Momjian, PostgreSQL Global Development Group 

This talk is designed for advanced PostgreSQL users who want to maximize PostgreSQL performance. It will cover every aspect of performance: server settings, caching, sizing operating system resources, optimizer processing, problem queries, storage efficiency, and some hardware selection details. You’ll also learn how to size shared memory, understand the output of the optimizer, when to restructure queries, and configure storage for optimal performance.

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Great Lakes Oracle Conference | 171 Granger Rd, #153 Medina, OH 44256

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