martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Oracle Blog´s Data Warehousing in the Cloud - Part 1

By Klaker-Oracle on Oct 25, 2016

Why is cloud so important?

Data warehouses are currently going through two very significant transformations that have the potential to drive significant levels of business innovation:

The first area of transformation is the drive to increase overall agility. The vast majority of IT teams are experiencing a rapid increase demand for data. Business teams want access to more and more historical data whilst at the same time, data scientists and business analysts are exploring ways to introduce new data streams into the warehouse to enrich existing analysis as well as drive new areas of analysis. This rapid expansion in data volumes and sources means that IT teams need to invest more time and effort ensuring that query performance remains consistent and they need to provision more and more environments (data sandboxes) for individual teams so that they can validate the business value of new data sets.

The second area of transformation is around the need to improve the control of costs. There is a growing need to do more with fewer and fewer resources whilst ensuring that all sensitive and strategic data is fully secured, throughout the whole lifecycle, in the most cost efficient manner. Cloud is proving to be the key enabler. It allows organizations to actively meet the challenges presented by the two key transformations of expanding data volumes and increased focus on cost control.

In this series of blog posts I hope to explain why and how moving your data warehouse to the cloud can support and drive these two key transformation as well as explaining the benefits that it brings for DBAs, data scientists and business users. Hopefully, this information will be useful for enterprise architects, project managers, consultants and DBAs. Over the coming weeks I will cover the following topics:
  1. Why is cloud so important for data warehousing
  2. Top 3 use cases for moving your data warehouse to the cloud
  3. Oracle’s cloud solutions for data warehousing
  4. Why Oracle Cloud?
  5. Why Oracle’s Cloud runs Oracle better
  6. A review of Oracle’s complete architecture for supporting data warehousing in the cloud
In this first post I will cover points 1 and 2 and subsequent posts then cover the other topics. So here we go with part 1…

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