martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

Java Magazine Nov-Dec 2014 is now available

Your November/December 2014 digital edition of Java Magazine is now available

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Java Magazine is now available for the iPad and iPhone. Download your FREE issue today on the Apple iTunes App Store.

Java Magazine media kit pdf

Welcome to the November/December 2014 issue of Java Magazine! In this issue explore the Java development for Internet of Things and discover how kids are learning Java in programs all over the world.
2Java Development for the Internet of Things 
Oracle's Henrik Ståhl discusses the Internet of Things for Java developers.
Java Development for the Internet of Things 
Oracle's Henrik Ståhl discusses the Internet of Things for Java developers.
Java: The Next Generation 
Teach kids to code and give them tools for success.
Robots Make Factories Smarter 
Keba's systems help usher in the next industrial revolution.
Code Java on the Raspberry Pi 
BlueJ brings Java SE 8 development directly to the Raspberry Pi.
jdeps, Compact Profiles, and Java Modularity 
We look at the future of Java modularity.
The Device I/O API 
A standard API for peripherals and low-level hardware control just arrived for Oracle Java SE Embedded.
And more!
Have feedback about this issue? Tweet us @oraclejavamag. And visit our new Facebook page.
Caroline Kvitka
Java Magazine

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